Where are we now?

Paisley's Enchanted Threads
Our application to The Heritage Lottery Fund was successful and funds are now in place.
Our first act was to commission Dr Sue Morrison, a professional Oral History and Project Management Consultant, to prepare solid foundations and support us and our volunteers throughout the project. Together, we have recruited a project coordinator, Dr Michael Smith; we have leased an office at 207, Embroidery Mill, Abbey Mill Business Centre; we are equipping the office and digital recorders are on order; we have commissioned experienced artistic professionals to create the project’s digital outputs, including a website, film and photographs; and publicity materials are on the way. We have also organised a launch event – more details to follow… Overall, much hard work has already been done, and more will be done in the coming year; however, we hope that you will join us to make this an enjoyable, productive and rewarding experience. We are looking forward to working with you. Welcome to Paisley’s Enchanted Threads!