Bird Bird

Paisley's Enchanted Threads

Bargarran House

Bargarran House

Bargarran House

Bargarran House no longer stands, having fallen into a state of complete disrepair by the middle of the nineteenth century. In 1697, it was a three-storey house with an adjoining low level annexe, surrounded by a boundary wall beyond which lay the various plots that were worked by local farmers. The majority of these would have been of a very small scale, and working the land around Bargarran in 1697 would have been hard.

The house and its surrounding environs was central to the story of the Renfrewshire witch hunt that we know today. It was here where Christian Shaw, the young girl at the centre of the witch hunt, lived. It was here where a group of local witches were alleged to meet, with the devil, as they plotted the girl's destruction. It was here where worried relatives and friends gathered to oversee the girl's safety, where members of the Commission would congregate in order to conduct their investigation, where some suspects were arrested before being taken into custody.

Christian Shaw's bedroom was on the first floor of the house, and it was in this room that much of the drama unfolded. It was said that invisible witches would pinch, bite and scratch her. At times they would pick her up and carry her around the room. To onlookers, it seemed that her feet did not appear to touch the ground. On one occasion she was said to have been carried out of the room, down the stairs, and was prevented from being thrown down the well in the nick of time by witnesses. On another occasion, a local minister grappled with her as she was said to be getting pulled towards the cellar by an invisible force. Some believed that the devil lay in wait down there. The witches were said to hold meetings in the courtyard, or the orchard, with the devil. Together, they plotted the girl's destruction, either by strangulation, drowning, or by bringing the whole house crashing down. 

Victorian visitors to the deserted house declared that they found Christian Shaw's bedchamber relatively untouched, with a large tapestry on the wall, and an oak bedframe with carvings on the posts. They also claimed to have found a small hole in the wall behind her bed, leading them to deduce that a willing accomplice must have been on hand to pass objects to her in secret, which she would then place in her mouth and regurgitate in front of stupefied witnesses. Only fragments of the boundary wall remain today, so we will probably never know.