Bird Bird

Paisley's Enchanted Threads

David Brown

David Brown

David Brown

David Brown was a minister in the parish of Neilston, a relatively prolific writer and publisher of sermons and theological tracts. He would officiate at the execution of the condemned at the Gallow Green, continuing to plead with the accused to repent right to the very end. Brown also preached a very powerful sermon in Paisley the day before the execution. During this sermon, at which the condemned were present, he reminded them of God's mercy, beseeching them to admit their guilt, and throw themselves upon God's saving grace.

Brown's sermon went on to state quite clearly that the seven had been found guilty by solid evidence and competent legal process. Appealing to their conscience, he simultaneously reminded them all that the devil would be at the foot of the scaffold on the following day, "ready to harle you down to hell." He also took time to remind some of them of their advancing years, and asked them what they had to show for their compact with the devil. In amongst the genuine sense of ministry lies a sliver of frustration that no confessions had been obtained.